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Is Working From Home a Pain in Your Neck?

Is Working From Home a Pain in Your Neck?

Thanks to the global pandemic, millions of people around the world went from commuting to an office every day to carving out some space at home for remote working. While there are many advantages to this new arrangement (yes, wearing pajamas to work), there are some disadvantages, including less-than-ideal work spaces and habits that can wreak havoc on your spine, especially your neck.

If you’re developing an achy neck, also known as tech neck, the integrative team here at Valiant Life Medical has a few tips that will keep you productive and pain-free.

Modify your workspace

Some people were lucky enough to already have home offices in place, but many others were forced into dining rooms, living rooms, or wherever else that could accommodate a little workspace.

Wherever you’ve landed in your home, it’s important that you spend a little time optimizing this space for the health of your neck. 

First and foremost, we recommend that you position your screen at eye level so that you’re not looking down to work. Whether you grab some books or a few of your child’s wood blocks, raising that screen up can relieve the pressure on the muscles around your neck and shoulders.

As well, try and use a chair that supports your entire spine, keeping it in a neutral position. In other words, invest in a proper office chair instead of making do with that uncomfortable dining room chair.

Another great tip is to avoid the temptation of grabbing your laptop and working hunched over on the couch. We suggest that you create your workspace and stick to it.

Mind your posture

When you were at your office, you probably wouldn’t have been seen slumped in your chair looking less than productive. Just because you’re at home and no one is looking, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still mind your posture. In fact, bad sitting posture is a surefire way to develop neck pain.

When you sit in your home office chair, sit straight up so that your lower back is in contact with the back of the chair. Also, place both of your feet flat on the ground. Now, make sure your shoulders are back and not hunched forward.

It’s very easy to start in this position and gradually slump down in your chair, so remind yourself every 30 minutes or so to correct your posture (you can use a timer on your phone).

Take breaks

If you set a timer to correct your posture, you can also use this time to stand up and stretch. Get up from your chair, touch your toes, gently roll your neck around. By changing your position and stretching your muscles, you can help offset neck pain.

Get regular chiropractic care

If you’ve developed tech neck, we suggest that you see us for regular chiropractic care. Through manual adjustments, we can better align your spine, which takes the pressure off your supporting tissues and allows your nervous system to function better.

Between your efforts at home and our chiropractic care here, we can ensure that your neck remains pain-free and ready for work.

To schedule your chiropractic appointment, contact our office in Fort Worth, Texas.

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